Saturday 15 October 2016

Singin in the Rain - 1952

Singin' in the Rain is one of the best movies ever made. The film is beautiful, tuneful, and loads of fun. While it pokes fun at Hollywood it also does so with great love. Little bits and pieces of Hollywood lore find their way into this great film and it's a pleasure to view this movie.
The star trio is just perfect: Gene Kelly give a funny performance as the hammy silent actor; Donald O'Connor makes the most of his "second banana" role; Debbie Reynolds is perfect as the ingĂ©nue trying to break into films. The three stars perform many memorable numbers, including Kelly's "Singin' in the Rain" classic; all three in the "Good Mornin'" number; O'Connor's "Make 'Em Laugh"; and Kelly and Reynolds in "You Were Meant for Me." The masterpiece however may be the "Gotta Dance" production number with Kelly and Cyd Charisse—just perfect. Also great fun are O'Connor and Kelly in "Fit as a Fiddle" and "Moses Supposes."
 The screenplay by Betty Comden and Adolph Green. Without their screenplay the movie does not get made. It is a great script that was made better by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donens' fluid direction. They have used the period in film history during the transition to sound movies and embroidered it with the wonderful songs. The icing on the cake, of course is the choreography of Kelly and Donen.
What makes "Singin'" such an entertaining classic is its superb integration of comedy and music. Jean Hagen gives the performance of her life as the vocally challenged silent film star, Lena Lamont. Every scene she's in is a comic gem. Her "fingernails on a blackboard" voice and massacre of the English language make her a figure of ridicule. However, in the end when she finally gets her comeuppance, one can't help feeling a little sorry for her.
I recommended this movie to all age groups, it pure entertainment and also shows how acting isn’t as easy as we think. The actors have put a lot of effort into this movie which is the main loveable highlight.

Verdict 4.5/5
Singin in the Rain (1952)
Stars: Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds
Run time: 1hr 43 mins
Directors: Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly
Genre: Musical, Comedy, Romance

Sunday 2 October 2016

Silence of the lambs – 'Godfather' of all classics

"Silence of The Lambs" is a modern-day "classic." If by some odd chance you have never seen this movie, be warned it is a dark, difficult story to watch at times.... but it will get your mind off other things. This movie is not for the squeamish with those scenes with Buffalo Bill the serial killer and other scenes involving the infamous Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Hopkins). Jodie Foster is excellent as the FBI agent "Clarice Starling" and Scott Glenn is low-key and effective as "Jack Crawford." A major part of the film is psychological more than violent as Lecter constantly taunts "Clarice," while she tries her best to manipulate him to help with a case. The by-play between the two is a game in itself. Dr. Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter, is a brutal killer with revolting methods and habits, but he's also very intelligent, charismatic and with good taste (you can interpret that as you like). A clichĂ© by now, but who cares? He still is one of the key elements in this wonderful thriller, which sees Jodie Foster's Clarice Starling asking for Lecter's help to catch another killer. The result is a dangerous yet fascinating relationship between the young, unexperienced FBI-agent and the convicted, but basically omnipotent, psychiatrist. He’s a step ahead of everyone all the time, and makes sure everyone notices, with his witty, unforgettable one-liners. If there had to be only one reason to worship this movie, then it would have to be the chemistry between the two leading actors. Never before has a non-sexual man/woman connection been more thrilling.
Director Jonathan Demme is masterful. There is one scene late in the movie that I will not spoil. It is one of the most simply brilliant scenes ever staged in a movie. I don't know if all the credit goes to Demme or the writers, but there is a moment in the film where the suspense builds beautifully to a what seems to be a common movie scene. However, through skilful timing of the direction, the audience’s assumptions are used against them and when the truth is revealed (hint: it involves a doorbell).
This movie is a treat to watch to all those who like mystery/ thriller movies, there isn’t a scene where you can get distracted. Although there are many violent and disturbing scenes, hence it’s a strict adult movie. parental guidance for this movie is advised.
Verdict for this movie is 4/5.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Godfather (1972)

The movie God Father needs applauds from the beginning till the end. The beginning scene at the wedding shows the power of the Don Vito Corleone, which is an absolutely alluring to watch. This movie excels in everything. the drama is enticing throughout the movie and kept on building the story.
The character Vito Corleone is the most powerful, lovable character on the screen. Even his son Michael plays an important role. But Vito Corleone being the don has his own ethics and principles which he gives more importance to is shown in the movie is definitely one of the reasons that we have to love his character. The directing by Coppola was perfect as well. Not many movies can be 3 hours and yet maintain a good level of interest from the audience like The Godfather. Coppola deserves credit for this. The symbolism and messages that went into every scene also has to do with the directing not just the writing. The movie is so well edited and strung together that the only word that could come to my mind is perfection.
Transformation of the main character from the beginning till the end is not always well executed but in this movie we have that essence. We can see Michael’s character change; Michael isn’t the same person he is at the end of the movie; we can see how the series of events that takes place in his life lead him to become what he is at the end of the movie.
The cinematography of The Godfather is dark and tasteful, and colours are used perfectly to give a true feel of the era it is set in. The music is perfect, the score of this movie is one of the most memorable ever. If you were to hear it, you could identify it right away.
This movie is brilliant, ageless and a classic; nobody can miss this movie and nobody should miss this movie, highly recommended to all age groups in the different parts of the world.
Verdict: 4.5/5.

Godfather (1972)
Cast: Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan 
Run time: 2hrs 58mins
Director:  Francis Ford Coppola
Writers: Mario Puzo (screenplay), Francis Ford Coppola

Rating: R rated

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Pulp Fiction (1994)- A Fan Boys Masterpiece

This movie combines those elements to make a classic. In terms of directing he shows a new innovative method, where he shows different scenes not chronologically, like pieces of a puzzle for us to join. Screen writing we got to learn from Tarantino, he certainly has put effort into making the dialogues keen thirsty. It’s interesting to follow the characters talk and for no moment we lose any interest. Scenes where Jules and Vincent are driving towards their targets house, makes them appear simple guys who enjoy a good conversation.  And as they enter the house they change their character into becoming someone who is very intimidative. We come to know now that they were working for Marsellus Wallace and they do his dirty work for him, Upto to this point we did not expect this which is definitely a perfect intro into the movie.
Because it doesn’t follow the traditional approach of story-telling, it shows scenes of different time-line which builds up the climax. The scene where marsellus Wallace looks at butch as he passes by, is a direct scene from Psycho. This movie combines those elements to make a classic. In terms of directing he shows a new innovative method, where he shows different scenes not chronologically, like pieces of a puzzle for us to join. Screen writing we got to learn from Tarantino, he certainly has put effort into making the dialogues keen thirsty. It’s interesting to follow the characters talk and for no moment we lose any interest. Scenes where Jules and Vincent are driving towards their targets house, makes them appear simple guys who enjoy a good conversation.  And as they enter the house they change their character into becoming someone who is very intimidative. We come to know now that they were working for Marsellus Wallace and they do his dirty work for him, Upto to this point we did not expect this which is definitely a perfect intro into the movie.
Because it doesn’t follow the traditional approach of story-telling, it shows scenes of different time-line which builds up the climax. The scene where marsellus Wallace looks at butch is a direct scene from Psycho. Some say the story began from the watch which butch gets as he was a child, but that’s not possible as it’s just a flashback of his memory. The violent scenes won’t put any impression onto anyone, they aren’t violent per se. the violent scenes are enjoyable as Tarantino  as it’s just a flashback of his memory. The violent scenes won’t put any impression onto anyone, they aren’t violent per se. The violent scenes are enjoyable as Tarantino tries to find humour throughout the movie.
Viewer discretion is advised, many adult scenes,violence including abusive language can be impressionable for non adults.
My verdict for this movie is 4.5/5.

Thursday 1 September 2016

My love for football will never die.

Some people think football is a matter of life and death, I assure you it’s much more serious than that. -Bill Shankly.
Football is a sport that has united countries during the brink of war. It has more members than the united nations. And the biggest religion on the planet, isn’t a religion. The only thing that has more fans than Facebook. In a country which is populated with 1.2 billion citizens, and they can’t form a team, I still fell in love with football. A game played with passion, joy and love. Nobody can explain why they love football; you just need to experience it.
One of the most important things football has taught me is to never give up. Doesn’t matter how hard we fall when we play, these are bound to happen; if it doesn’t happen we can never learn to pick ourselves up when we are down and broken. Isn’t that what makes us a winner. The happiest moments in our lives aren’t when we win all the time but in getting up and rising every time we fail. And the greatest part of football is it builds our confidence. When I first played football I was scared, I was scared of the ball hurting me. But after taking a few hits, I learned it’s not bad as I thought and slowly I got confidence to even control the ball. It’s like this; we never know what we can do unless we try it, and if we try again and again we succeed don’t we!
I had a family on the ground when I used to play football, we came from different backgrounds and the first day we played together we did not like each other. But when the opponent attacks we have to unite despite our indifference's because  only in being united we can survive. Football teaches us that team work is stronger and put it to great use we even can break walls because we know each other and we don’t play for ourselves but for all of us together. 
The reason my love towards football will never die is because of my passion towards it. Passion should always be applauded, it’s the most important feeling! It makes you feel alive. My passion is anything that gets my blood racing. And isn’t our passion what keeps us going and reminds us that we are humans. People with great passion can achieve the unpredictable and make the impossible happen. Everyone in this universe must hold on to their passion it’s what gives oxygen to your soul, reminds you of who you are, instils hope within you. So Never let that passion die out. The moment its gone within you, that means you are dead from the inside.

 P.S: Playing football when it rains is experiencing heaven on earth and there is no feeling comparable to it. It’s definitely one of the must do things before you die.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Nothing but the Truth (2008)

The director Rod Lurie has made a ballsy movie showing the people what the US government is capable of, which can stir up some comments about the administration. The movie as it began showed me a determined reporter named Rachel Armstrong played by Kate Beckinsale, who is a strong mother and who will fight for the right thing in this corrupt world. An assassination attempt is made on the US president which failed and they believe it had Venezuelan connection towards it. CIA operative Erica Van Doren played by Vera Farmiga proves that Venezuelan connection is bogus but the US government disregards it and attacks Caracas, Rachel gets the story from a source which isn’t mentioned but blows the cover of CIA operative Erica Van Doren and puts the national government in a tight spot.
 Now the story revolves on how did Rachel get this information, who was her source and the whole movie revolves around this, the source is a suspense till the end which keeps the movie interesting and rooting for Rachel’s cause. Matt Dillon plays the prosecutor and his role is strong and effective. He is very intimidative in his new character. Rod Lurie as a screen writer is brilliant, he shows the issues faced, with great depth and clarity also shows that a reporter not revealing the source may have a deeper meaning than we can imagine.
The drama in this movie builds on and keeps the suspense till the end the most awaited scene as it was one of the reasons I found the movie interesting. The end can definitely have mixed responses like some may be angry and the others sad. Although I would call this movie a definite mood changer.
This movie can be viewed with audiences of all age groups. And better not miss such a movie which focuses on current issues faced.
My final verdict for this movie will be 3.5/5.
Based on the Acting, Screenplay & As it was based on a real story.
Nothing but the Truth (2008)
Cast: Kate Beckinsale, Matt Dillon, Vera Farmiga, Alan Alda.
Run time: 1hr 48 mins.
Director: Rod Lurie
Rating: R rated

Release Date: 2008

Monday 15 August 2016

Psycho (1960)

Psycho has definitely laid a firm foundation into a new line of cinema. There will be many movies after this masterpiece trying to replicate the magic it produced. I can guarantee that this movie had kept me guessing the whole time about the climax, but it proved me wrong on various occasions. Sir Alfred Hitchcock with his perfect direction has created a rich and high standard in films, definitely Hitchcock’s best & the sound effects used throughout the movie gives us a message that this isn’t a regular type of movie.
The character Norman Bates is very well portrayed and the standout among the brilliant cast of this movie. He has created a new villain to be scared about & can probably tell us that psychopaths are not born but created, something we never expected. The dialogues said by Norman Bates which show his evil side, can certainly give you chills down your spine. The character building of Marion Crane let me believe that she would be the heart and soul of the movie, but yes I was wrong which was unexpected because of the incredible story telling in this movie. Norman Bates’s house itself is creepy which also plays a major part in this movie.
When it comes to movie making and creating a new dimension to movies, this movie is definitely highly recommended. There is so much to learn, from the splitting title at the beginning till the chain pulled through the skull at the end, which all had hidden meanings of their own.
This is definitely a PG -13 movie and to all the movie freaks around the world, it’s a must watch piece of art. There might be a new Alfred Hitchcock in the making after watching this movie.
Final verdict -4.5/5. Mystery/Horror/Thriller.

Director: Alfred Hitchcock.                                                                           
Rating: R Rated.
Cast: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin, Martin Balsam.       
Year: 1960.    
Length: 1hr 49mins.      

Friday 5 August 2016

Jumanji (1995)- Review

It begins and sets a great hype to expect something adventurous and a scary thriller. The movie has its moments that’s why I completed watching it. If it wasn’t for robin Williams and witty puns through the movie I would have never enjoyed it. A definite treat because we do not know what to expect.
Although I can’t compare Jumanji with any movie I have seen. Its unique in its own way there might be sequels to this instalment or movie makers might make movies based on this concept. In that case am thankful to be watching something first of its kind.
A scene set in 1869 where two kids try to get rid of the box named Jumanji and they also say god have mercy on the soul who finds the box. This hype in the beginning astonishes you and then the next scene is after 100 years in 1969. Where a kid named Alan Parish finds the game and gets sucked into it, now this was a great introduction. This lets you know that you are in for a treat. The rest of the movie revolves around finishing the game.
The movie creates a stage to expect something scary, as Alan parish (Robin Williams) explains to the kid what to be afraid of. in the remainder of the movie that spark is lost. Although the one liners are done well. The comic scenes are brilliant, which I think definitely kept the movie alive. Though I did not expect it to be humorous but in the end those were the highlights of the movie. Definitely great acting performance from everyone, major stars would be Robin Williams & Kirsten Dunst. The visual effects by Joe Johnston is very convincing, although not up to mark as 1993’s Jurassic Park. But it’s still a job well done, especially the introduction of the lion and the stampede scene of all the animals which causes havoc in the town.
I would definitely recommend this movie to all movie-goers. Although this movie will be more enjoyed with kids and the young teens rather than the adults.
Final verdict – 3/5. Adventurous/Comedy/Entertainer

JUMANJI (1995)
Director: Joe Johnston                                                                                                Rating: PG-13
Cast: Robin Williams, Jonathan Hyde, Kirsten Dunst, Bradley Pierce, Bonnie Hunt
Year: 1995                                                                                                      Length: 1hr 45min

Jurassic Park (1993) - Review

This movie is a classic. Steven Spielberg at his best. Even 20 years from now I know that I would enjoy this movie. Jurassic park made me believe in the impossible with the amazing effects throughout the movie. I was never not interested and probably at my feet during most of the scenes. The only other movie that kept me this excited was ‘predator’ starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is one of those movies that I’ll be proud to say that it’s from my generation.
The movie starts off showing about an island near Costa Rica where the dinosaur reserve named Jurassic park is located. Then join the experts to give credibility for the Jurassic park before it gets launched to the people. Dr Alan Grant (Sam Neill), his partner, paleo-botanist Dr Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), and the brilliant-but-cynical mathematician Dr Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum). When the trio arrives at Jurassic Park, they are astonished by what it represents. It doesn't take long, however, for astonishment to turn to horror.
The music is perfect for me as it kept on giving me scares and chills. The introduction of Tyrannosaurs Rex is a great example and the two little kid’s reaction shows some class acting. There are many notable scenes which have excelled in music even the last scene in the kitchen when a raptor is hunting and there is pin drop silence, detail is given to every tiny sound at that time which keeps you on your toes. The direction is stand out as its by Steven Spielberg, incredible work of art and masterpiece. The story is good and builds on and doesn’t lose track from the plot. Although there are certain plot holes in the movie, for example they don’t show how they created the eggs. Only thing we know is they have the DNA of the dinosaurs. Then there is another plot hole when Lex (Ariana Richards) takes over the computer to get the security back on. There’s a raptor attacking them and they need to close the door with the help of the computer. They are successful at it and they lock the raptor out but in the next scene he is back and attacking. There is no scene showing how he found a way to attack them again.
I would recommend this movie to every movie goer out there to not miss this movie at any cost.
My final verdict for it will be 4/5 stars.

Jurassic Park (United States, 1993)
Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Laura Dern, Joseph Mazzello, Ariana Richards
Run Time: 2:06
U.S. Release Date: 1993-06-11

MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (Violence)