Tuesday 6 September 2016

Pulp Fiction (1994)- A Fan Boys Masterpiece

This movie combines those elements to make a classic. In terms of directing he shows a new innovative method, where he shows different scenes not chronologically, like pieces of a puzzle for us to join. Screen writing we got to learn from Tarantino, he certainly has put effort into making the dialogues keen thirsty. It’s interesting to follow the characters talk and for no moment we lose any interest. Scenes where Jules and Vincent are driving towards their targets house, makes them appear simple guys who enjoy a good conversation.  And as they enter the house they change their character into becoming someone who is very intimidative. We come to know now that they were working for Marsellus Wallace and they do his dirty work for him, Upto to this point we did not expect this which is definitely a perfect intro into the movie.
Because it doesn’t follow the traditional approach of story-telling, it shows scenes of different time-line which builds up the climax. The scene where marsellus Wallace looks at butch as he passes by, is a direct scene from Psycho. This movie combines those elements to make a classic. In terms of directing he shows a new innovative method, where he shows different scenes not chronologically, like pieces of a puzzle for us to join. Screen writing we got to learn from Tarantino, he certainly has put effort into making the dialogues keen thirsty. It’s interesting to follow the characters talk and for no moment we lose any interest. Scenes where Jules and Vincent are driving towards their targets house, makes them appear simple guys who enjoy a good conversation.  And as they enter the house they change their character into becoming someone who is very intimidative. We come to know now that they were working for Marsellus Wallace and they do his dirty work for him, Upto to this point we did not expect this which is definitely a perfect intro into the movie.
Because it doesn’t follow the traditional approach of story-telling, it shows scenes of different time-line which builds up the climax. The scene where marsellus Wallace looks at butch is a direct scene from Psycho. Some say the story began from the watch which butch gets as he was a child, but that’s not possible as it’s just a flashback of his memory. The violent scenes won’t put any impression onto anyone, they aren’t violent per se. the violent scenes are enjoyable as Tarantino  as it’s just a flashback of his memory. The violent scenes won’t put any impression onto anyone, they aren’t violent per se. The violent scenes are enjoyable as Tarantino tries to find humour throughout the movie.
Viewer discretion is advised, many adult scenes,violence including abusive language can be impressionable for non adults.
My verdict for this movie is 4.5/5.

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